Janelbi RMS Professional Rental and Real Estate Management System

Blog Article

layout default
Show the title and intro text the articles from category selected and in lateral have the secction of "recent post" and under of this is "Post" where you select one option this will display the articles of this time

layout 2
This show the first article to display with full text.

layout 2
In the bottom you can select the older yo see the next article and in the bottom of all this will show a listing of articles separated with year where you can click and load this article selected

Management systems

Rental Management
Manage reservations, CRM lead management, Sync with major 3rd party marketing (Airbnb, Home way, Trip Advisor and more) manage listings on multiple web sites all in one place
Real Estate Sales Management

Manage listings to generate leads, CRM to manage leads , Photos Descriptions, Pricing (multiple currency options)

Web Site Management

Content and SEO management of your website. Maximize SEO of all listings, Maximize search options, Blog, forum, articles, news, multiple languages. Full customer SEO optimized web management system